Tele-medicine Services
Our Configuration will meet all the HIPPA, Rural Health, Medical Board, OIG and Security Policy's. Required by your State/County. "Note" These Policy's are different state to state. Example: The Patient most always has to be within the same state as the providers state license to practice medicine.
Snowed in, Injured, Sick, Vehicle Won't Start? We've all heard these excuses, as a provider lives depend upon you! Don't let the dog ate my homework excuse lose you business. Quotes, Onsite and Remote Consultations available! Contact us if your interested in moving forward with technology. Don't let technology move forward without you!
As a provider, you may connect to your patient remotely. "Note" City,State and County rules may vary. Depending on your Rural Health Provider/Billing Services. We offer the full services from start to finish, licensing, installation, training, inspection and yearly maintenance.